Holtwood Mission Band (HMB)

Holtwood Mission Band (HMB) are a group of musicians and vocalists, founded in the mid 1970s to provide worship and outreach opportunities for young people from Holtwood and nearby churches.

These days HMB is led instrumentally by Peter Aston (guitar) & Chris Slade (bass), and, together with 6 vocalists, continues to lead worship wherever the Lord creates opportunities and looks forward to serving the Lord for many years to come in churches or where other doors open for us.   HMB is always keen to recruit new members – either vocalists or musicians.  Over the past couple of years HMB has been a core part of the Worship Band for the Christchurch & Wimborne Methodist Circuit, leading a number of events across the Circuit.  If you would like to find out more please send an e-mail to Dr. Chris Slade at christopherslade@btinternet.com or telephone Chris on (01425) 473017.
